
Hey there my name is Mike. I am 35 and just getting into nail art, and everything that goes along with that. I am trying to push the boundaries of what is acceptable for a man to wear. I think that it is high time that we get over gender roles and just let people be happy.

So I started this blog to showcase my adventures in learning how to do nails and nail art. Buckle up and join me wont you?

I have a Youtube channel that is accompanying this blog as well check it out here. And you can find the links to my other social media at the top of the page, or in the right hand side of it. I would be super honored if you would like, subscribe, join, and follow me on them.

If you have a product you would like for me to try or test out, please shoot me an email hedonails@gmail.com and we can talk about it. If you are a company that would like for me to test something out, please by all means contact me or look at this page here.